The Other Face of Content Marketing

by Dan on August 5, 2014


Content marketing is vital for any business, and this is not just something a content marketing specialist came up with, but what studies show. People no longer want to read the same old story about how your products are the best or your services are of the highest quality, they want facts, they want proof, they want valuable information. If you don’t provide it to them, they will simply move on to a competitor that does.

Perhaps this too fast and straightforward, so let us take a step back and take a real life example. Let us say you have an Amazon products review blog. If you just copy and paste or rewrite positive blabber about those products, and the people who read the reviews buy the products and realize they have many flaws and they could have done much better, they will never return to your blog or trust your reviews again.

On the other hand, if your reviews are honest, they will use them as guidance every time they need a new product and even recommend your blog to their friends. You will gain traffic, make more money out of your affiliate commission and, why not, from advertising.

Your traffic and revenue depends on the quality of the reviews you post. Here are a few aspects to pay attention to in order to ensure you get the best content:

  • Never hire writers or content providers only based on portfolio. A sample written according to your instructions is the best way to see if that writer or company can provide the value you need.
  • Disclose as much information as possible about your project / website / goals. The more the writers know, the more they can deliver.
  • Make sure the content is useful to the readers, not just another way to advertise your products or services.
  • Only post 100 % original content. Google (and readers too) hates copied content, and since you are paying for it anyway, why not make the most out of your investment?
  • Use your visitor’s feedback to guide your next steps. Ask for their opinion, analyze traffic data and use this information to improve your content marketing strategy.

If your commitment to provide quality content is genuine and you never stop trying and improving, the results will definitely show up.

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