Understanding Your Relationship with Content Marketing

by Dan on July 31, 2014

content marketing

If you are a content creator, you should ask yourself whether you love the content you write. If the answer is yes, you should hear the distant buzzing of an alarm somewhere in the back of your head reminding you to stay focused. Stay focused on what? You might ask. The answer may not be obvious at first sight, but it definitely is once you recognize its importance.

Focus on Your Audience

Yes, you are creating content that you love. You might feel like writing what matters to you most gives you an edge because of the extra boost that a passion for the subject gives you. This may be true, to a certain point, but, if you forget towards whom the content is directed, you may end up literally writing for yourself.

Your relationship with content marketing is the same as your relationship with your audience. If you only create content concerning the things that interest you, you should be wary not to turn into a selfish loudspeaker constantly blaring information that nobody else wants to hear. Everyone knows a person like that, nobody wants to be one, and your brand should be nowhere near.

To engage your audience, you need to create content that is directed towards their needs. Giving in to the subconscious desire to create solutions to your own needs and then to advertise them to others can only get you so far. At a certain point, it is necessary to identify and cater to the needs of those people who can benefit from your products and services.

Getting To Know Your Audience

Now you know that you need to play more into your audience’s needs when developing content, but what if you do not know your audience well? This is very common and, just like a relationship, it can only be resolved through a steady, pressure-free approach. Depending on your business, this could be free introductory classes, workshops or demonstrations. Pairing these with informal surveys can get you started on the right track fast.

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