The Difference between Content Marketing and Blogging

by Dan on August 12, 2014

content marketing

Even though the concepts of content marketing and blogging have been gaining a lot of popularity over the last years, people still seem to misunderstand what differentiates the former from the latter. This is why it is important for you to fully understand what these concepts mean and what the main difference between them is.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is seen as a system which mainly concentrates on the creation and delivery of valuable ideas among the consumers, in order to successfully turn them into clients. In order to acquire loyal customers, content marketers rely on various strategies based on the general idea of entertaining and educating their client base. These strategies can include the use of tactics, such as:

  • eBooks;
  • Social Media;
  • Commercial White Papers.


Blogging revolves around the idea of systematically posting content to a particular website and keeping it up to date in order to efficiently increase the site’s traffic. There is also the advantage that it is easy to find the most current update, since the content of a blog is presented in a chronological manner.

The ultimate purpose of this is to enable the blogger to communicate with the public in any context, be it advertising merchandise or sharing knowledge. Moreover, the act of blogging can also be correlated with the previously mentioned content marketing strategies, which is why the two terms are often misunderstood.

The Benefits of Using Both

By using blogging and content marketing to their full extent, you are guaranteed to create and distribute successful content. On one hand, blogging can offer you a good chance of acquiring new clients and boost your site’s traffic. On the other hand, content marketing offers you the possibility to better your ability to understand your customers and, thus, gain their confidence and loyalty.

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