Why Content Curation Is Important in Content Marketing

by Dan on August 9, 2014

Content curation

Many people, when hearing the word “curation”, would think of museums and libraries, but online marketers know, or should know, that the term (and the activity it stands for) can be applied to content as well, in the Internet marketing world. Content curation can be an important part of your online content marketing campaign, especially when you do not have the time or the financial resources to create content as often as you would like.

We all know that it is vital to provide the audience with valuable content on a regular basis. But it often happens that you cannot afford to write long, relevant blog articles every other day. And you would not want to publish mediocre content either. At this point, content curation is a viable, efficient solution.

To curate content means to find proper content that would appeal to your audience, add your own comments to it and share it with your readers. Thus, following these three simple steps will increase the amount of published content on your blog. Moreover, content curation will certainly take less time than creating content all the time. But keep in mind this very important aspect: rewrite everything or never forget to mention the sources. Always post original content or at least add links to the original content, so that you avoid plagiarism.

Content curation is an effective way to drive traffic to your website, but do not over use it. Do not imagine that curated content is meant to replace original blog posts, white papers or case studies. No, not at all; your readers will still want to read articles about your products and services.

Also, be very selective with the content you curate and share. Do not just post links to different articles and videos and images, but try to add value to each piece of information you share. And always make sure that the curated content is interesting to your audience.

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