What Are the Main Advantages You Should Expect from an Email Marketing Campaign?

by Laura on August 6, 2017

What Are the Main Advantages You Should Expect from an Email Marketing Campaign

Using email and list building to gain a following and improve brand awareness, online reputation and marketing results has been a staple of internet promotion strategies for the past couple of decades.

Email is even more relevant today than it was 5 years ago, since the advent of social media advertising and the new SEO rules enacted by Google and other search engines, combining list building with content, advertising and social media marketing strategies is no longer as difficult as it was.

Targeted Marketing

According to the experts at Comm100, the ability to create personalized messages and share targeted information, sending your emails directly to your targeted audience’s inbox, makes email marketing one of the most advantageous forms of online promotion in existence.

Also, with today’s advanced tools you can use anything from surveys to targeted messaging practices to ensure that all your specific email communications reach the right audiences, and you don’t have to deal with people unsubscribing from your blog.

Building Brand Awareness

The experts at Steam Send speak about the benefits of blending email with social media marketing to achieve improved brand awareness and online recognition.

This combination has been made even better by the surge in activity of social media websites like Facebook and Twitter, as well as their approach in providing members with customized social media ads. Together with the power of your content strategy and list building tools, you can get everyone talking about your brand on social media, and increase your business’ leads and sales.

Measurable Results

Unlike SEO and social media marketing, email campaigns can give you much less trouble when you’re trying to sort out which of your clients or prospects are more or less interested in your business and the specifics of what it has to offer.

Through direct feedback from customers, polls, surveys, analytics data, contests and other methods, you can get a wealth of information about anyone who gives you their email address, as well as their interests and what they’d expect from your company.

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