While SEO and content marketing seem to be two completely different fields of activity, in reality they are closely related and working together to bring you qualified leads to your website. SEO has the advantage of time over content creation, thus, the tips and tricks it is based on have the advantage of being tested and proven by professionals.
Whatever your content marketing strategy is, here are a few SEO tips that will help you work more efficiently and effectively:
- Use online tools, such as productivity tools, writing tools, utility tools to cut back on idle hours and stop getting distracted from your work.
- Link within your own website. The About Us page can provide links to the Products page and the Contact page, for example. Any content marketing agency will advise that, in parallel, you optimize your content.
- Create memorable headlines, but include your targeted keyword. As a part of your content strategy, remember that search engines rankings take into account click through rate (CTR), meaning how many times a certain title was clicked.
- Create and constantly add to your swipe file, where you keep your best phrases, on the spot ideas, basic article templates that are not related to any current content marketing plan, but could be useful in the future.
- Remember to share your content in all the social media and add a catchy one-liner comment to encourage click through.
- Do not go for the highest competing keywords, because you will never rank higher than large corporations. Instead, find related keywords with a lower competition and a higher chance of high ranking.
Online success is a tough turf war, so you must be always alert and react to the slightest change in users’ behavior. Once you realize that you are losing touch with your audience, you should outsource content marketing to professionals in order to stay relevant in your market sector.