The Need for Focus in B2B Content Marketing

by Dan on June 26, 2014

While there are some cases in which being a jack-of-all-trades is an advantage, content marketing is not one of them. Plenty of companies are finding this out the hard way: when it comes to your content, being too broad in scope is a clear disadvantage. If the content you put out – the articles you offer your readers – are too generic, then they will simply not provide enough relevant information.

This approach is quite understandable, however, especially with those new to content marketing services. By generating content that has a wide scope, you could potentially entice more people to read it and then come back for more. This is rarely the case, though. If someone does not gain sufficient information from your content – information that they were actively seeking – then what reason would there be for them to continue?

Take, for example, a company producing tankless water heaters – and only tankless ones. Believing this to be too narrow of a topic, they, instead, publish content related not only to their product, but also to many other types of water heaters, and even general information on the subject. This was done in order to reach a larger audience, thanks to the more common keywords and search terms used.

Instead, it had the exact opposite effect. By casting too wide a net, instead of catching more fish, they caught almost none. No one was interested in this generic content, and their target audience remained either unaware or simply was not interested enough to proceed further. Creating content specifically for your target audience, for your chosen niche, gives you more chances of providing people with the exact information they are searching for.

This is because there are a huge number of people who are looking for very specific information, be it detailed instructions of how to do something or precise knowledge on a subject. Creating in-depth content for your particular niche is one of the best ways to acquire new core readers.

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