Developing an External and Internal Content Marketing Staff

by Dan on June 25, 2014

content marketing

The larger your company, the bigger its needs. The more success you have, the more you need to plan and strategize your marketing content. In order to do this, you must learn when it is best to use your own in-house writing staff and when to outsource. When you need to partner up with a content marketing agency – an outside service provider who can help you shape your content – there are 3 people who will be vital to the success of this endeavor:

1. Firstly, there’s your own, in-house brand specialist – This is the person you designate to represent you, the mediator between your company and the external content marketing services provider, the person who can focus and direct their efforts in order to best suit your needs.

2. Second comes the external content strategist – Responsible for gathering all of the information provided by the brand specialist and then formulating it into a cohesive content marketing strategy, the external content strategist is vital to the entire partnership.

3. Last, but not least, there is the agency account manager – The person who owns the relationship between the client company and the service providing agency, and, when included in the content strategist’s plans, can greatly increase the reach and effectiveness of the created content. Without this conversation with the account manager, the marketing teams will operate in vacuums, without any real cooperation.

One you have these three key characters talking and working together, you are half-way to successful content generation. But they need the technology to work effectively; they require a well-designed and functional content marketing platform in order to streamline the process and increase efficiency. So, the last team member is not actually a person but a software platform that aids everyone in their work.

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