Whether you’re used to affiliate marketing programs that give you complete freedom in promoting their products, or you’re trying to promote your own service via email and social media, content is still “king” and, according to sources like shoutmeloud.com, it can create up to 67% more leads just for companies that choose to blog more than their competitors.
Unfortunately, a lot of ground has already been covered in CM, and if you want to stand out of the crowd you will need to employ a few ingenious, creative methods to kickstart your new strategy.
Use Content as a Means of Conveying a Message
A lot of marketers try to use “perfect” strategies that take into account all the technical specifications of the Google algorithm, aiming to get good results with SEO. However, in the process, they lose track of their actual communities and audiences.
Instead, it might be a better idea to focus on creating content for your readers and viewers. Tell a story, communicate a message, aim to entertain and educate – go through every little step of trying to put your point across, but stay genuine throughout the entire process.
Challenge Your Assumptions and Go Deeper
A good content marketing strategy cannot be limited to the surface, presenting the classic benefits of a product, or telling people how they’ll face awful challenges if they don’t choose to buy from you. Instead of all that, Contently suggests that you put yourself to the test and challenge your assumptions about what your clients and prospects know, or why they may be attracted to anything remotely resembling the products you sell.
Through such a subtle yet remarkably authentic approach, you no longer run the risk of sticking within the limits of what most marketers tend to do. Instead, you can go much deeper, meet your audience on its own home ground, and possibly show them a brand new perspective that they’ve never seen before.