Content writing, SEO, and the Internet User – What Do They Have in Common?

by Dan on May 15, 2012 · 0 comments


Content writing, SEO, and the internet user might seem to have nothing in common. Content writing makes you think of literature, art, entertainment and writing skills. SEO, or search engine optimization, is a rather technical term, used by website owners and web designers. And the internet user doesn’t have any interest in SEO or content writing. Many internet users don’t even know what SEO is. So what ties content writing, SEO, and internet users together?

The answer is SEO content writing. The search engine optimized content writing was born from the need of different website owners to increase their Google rankings. And the ultimate purpose of increasing ranking is, in fact, increasing traffic. In order for an internet user to click on a specific website and create traffic for it, that website should appear high in the search engine listings.

Search engines have various methods of deciding how high to list a certain website. Web owners who understand those methods know how to “convince” search engines that their site is relevant, and that it should be listed somewhere high on their results pages. And their arguments are given by SEO content writing.

So, when we talk about SEO content writing, SEO refers to specific strategies used when writing text so that it is found relevant by search engines. Does common content writing differ from SEO content writing? Of course, or else it wouldn’t have received a specific name. SEO content writing distinguishes itself through the fact that it uses keywords. Keywords are words or expressions that synthetize the topic of the text, and are most likely to be used by internet users when they search for information on the internet.

A SEO content writer must first decide on the keywords to use throughout the article and then conceive a text that perfectly includes those keywords. If the text uses keywords in an appropriate way, then Google, for example, will recognize that text as containing valuable information on the topic described by the keywords. The more relevant the text is considered by Google, the higher it will rank in the search listings for that keyword, and the more users will click to go to your website.

And now we arrive at the third component of the initial trio: content writing, SEO, and the internet user. SEO content writing is aimed at the internet user, because its purpose is to convince the user to click through to the website. The purpose is to deliver valuable information to users, and help them find what they are searching for online. If you know what people search for, and use appropriate keywords to include in a valuable and helpful article, you not only help your website get traffic, but also help visitors find some answers on what they have been looking for.

Therefore, in SEO content writing, SEO doesn’t imply just implementing a strategy to please search engines, but also a way to help users get to the information they need faster and more efficiently.

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