Content Strategy Guidelines

by Dan on September 24, 2014

content strategy

Developing an adequate content strategy for your business may seem quite a challenge, but it is actually much easier than you may have thought. If you have ever wondered what exactly you should be writing about and how to attract more clients through your content, the following advice may bring some light into the matter.

It all starts with identifying the purpose of your content (why are you writing and who for), establishing a mission and remaining faithful to it, as well as writing with your audience in mind. To avoid taking the wrong path with your content strategy, follow the next guidelines:

  1. Avoid writing about something you are not familiar with, focus on topics from your field of expertise – Your website visitors will be looking for useful information, and guessing or giving false information will certainly not gain you their trust or appreciation. Your content needs to serve and educate its readers.
  2. Write for your buyer persona, not for just anyone – You need to know whom you are trying to attract, engage and convince, and to write precisely for that audience; content targeting is very important, as it will help you generate leads and convert them.
  3. Stay classy and original – Avoid following the crowd just to make sure that you don’t lose your spot in SERPs; some of the biggest businesses in the world began with a creative idea, so try to be original.
  4. Alternate the format and the approach of your content, but stick to the same style and focus on one or two main subjects – Avoid writing about everything: when you go to a shop that specializes in the precise category of items you are interested in, finding and buying something you like is much easier than in a supermarket where you can find a little bit of everything but in fewer varieties. Make it clear what your website or blog is about.
  5. Be honest – If you were to hire a content marketing agency, they would probably tell you the same: the key is to be yourself and not lie to your visitors. It is better to be honest about the services you can offer than to disappoint your customers and receive negative feedback. Your content strategy should be built on facts, not on hypotheses.

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