Content Marketing DOs and DON’Ts

by Dan on June 7, 2014

content marketing

Most of you are familiar with the content marketing world by now, and that it’s the main way to go forward in the IM environment. Let’s look at four types of content one should focus on:

1. Tutorials: In today’s world, when you come across something that you want to do but don’t exactly know how, you turn to the internet for help. Creating articles that teach people how to do something of relevance in your particular area of interest is a great way to provide value and insightful information.

2. FAQs: One of the very best ways to create valuable content is by asking your current users to submit the questions they most want answered. You will then have all you need to create a Frequently Asked Questions article aimed directly at your reader base.

3. Resources: Not everything needs to be created directly by you. If you can provide your readers with lists and links to other valuable resources, you will help them greatly.

4. In-depth analysis: And last, but not least, one of the best ways to provide insight is with in-depth analysis of different industry trends, or important announcements and relevant changes in your particular niche.

There are plenty of other important focus points; those are simply the most valuable ones. But now let’s take a short look at some of the things one should not do when it comes to efficient content strategy:

  • Do not mass produce: Low quality, mass produced content is never a good idea; people catch on quickly.
  • Do not share viral content: This will at most offer a temporary boost in your traffic.
  • Never copy: It’s a no-brainer, but somehow it still happens. Never, ever copy content from anywhere else, unless you have your own wisdom to add to it. Always stick to original content.

Keep these simple tips in mind and your content marketing efforts will surely pay off.

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