Many entrepreneurs are determined to start investing in content marketing, but they are not sure what the best way to begin is. Just like in any other new field, it is important to start with something feasible: a business blog. A blog is a very popular content marketing platform and it is very easy to set up and manage.
Here is a quick and efficient action plan:
- Mission statement – Any content marketing strategy is based on the powerful message you want to transmit to your readers: that your business is the go-to place to solve their problems and satisfy their needs. Building authority and trust is the main purpose of your blog posts.
- Going live – The next step in setting up your content marketing blog is registering a domain name and finding adequate hosting services. Post a teaser on your website and social media pages a few days before the actual launch and make sure you have a catchy first post some great photos ready to share.
- Dress to impress – You must choose your blog layout carefully, especially if you use a free WordPress theme in the beginning. Try to find graphics where your company logo integrates nicely. Your content marketing efforts will not be very successful if the graphic elements are boring or cause eye fatigue.
- Have a plan – Even personal bloggers have a calendar of what they want to post and when. As a business, you need to create habits in your readers – Monday inspirational post, Tuesday “how to” article, and so on. Creating a blogging routine also helps build reader loyalty.
This is your “starter kit” as a new blogger. Once you start receiving feedback from your readers and looking over the analytics, you will determine what the types of articles with the highest success rate are. From there on, your content marketing plan will become better structured and more efficient.