14 Ideas on How to Always Publish Great Content

by Dan on August 18, 2014

great content

Publishing excellent content does not mean you have to create new content all the time. An alternative would be repurposing existing content. You most certainly have relevant content that is off-line – press releases, interviews, presentations – and that, with a little effort, can be turned into great blog posts.

Here are 5 tips on how to turn off-line content into relevant online content:

  1. Recycle PowerPoint presentations – Use the content of the PowerPoint presentations you prepared for clients and turn it into blog posts, articles, microblogs on Twitter, or graphical diagrams.
  2. Combine interviews – If there are people in the company that often give interviews, you can aggregate their answers in an article or post.
  3. Tailor long articles – If you have written lengthy articles for famous publications, break them into smaller pieces and publish them as a series of blog posts.
  4. Transform press releases – Rewrite press releases in a colloquial tone and post them on your blog.
  5. Edit old posts – Many topics are subject to change in the forever transforming online media. Take an old blog post, update it, add significant value, and publish it. Just make sure it is different enough and cannot be classified as duplicated content.

However great your repurposed content may be, do not overuse it. Never allow it to exceed 10% of the entire online content you publish.

For the other 90%, here are some ideas to inspire you in creating new content:

  1. Use real stories and own experiences;
  2. Share your expertise;
  3. Interview “knowledgeable leaders”;
  4. Conduct surveys and polls;
  5. Make lists;
  6. Engage in an argument with a someone that commented on your post;
  7. State your opinion about a relevant study in your industry;
  8. Create an appealing title;
  9. Quote and link credible sources related to your topic.

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