13 Ways to Optimize Your Blog

by Dan on July 3, 2014

blogBlogging is one of the best ways to attract customers to your business, if done right. Here are some tips on how you can increase your blog’s efficiency in attracting customers.

  1. Blog constantly – consumers do not read posts that are 2 weeks old. Give them new content more often, without neglecting the quality of the posts.
  2. Provoke immediate responses – all your posts should include a call-to-action.
  3. Use visuals – include images and infographics in your posts, to make your blog more attractive and sharable. Visitors will spend more time on the blog, causing an increase in customers.
  4. Learn how SEO works – optimize your blog accordingly, to make sure it appears in organic search results.
  5. Create evergreen and quality content – make your posts engaging and valuable, and create evergreen content as often as you can.
  6. Add opt-in boxes – increase your number of subscribers by adding opt-in boxes after posts.
  7. Be real – your customers are real, they should feel you are real as well. Add a personal touch to your blog.
  8. Create captivating titles – the first contact a visitor has with your posts is through headlines; appealing titles generate high click-through rates.
  9. Refine your blog design – a fresh look will make visitors come back to your blog over and over again.
  10. Make people share your content – use buzzwords, they have proved to be very effective when it comes to increasing social sharing.
  11. Increase connectivity with Google Authorship – relate better to your customers, by allowing them to see your face next to your posts.
  12. Build your online authority – make it clear to visitors that you are an expert in the field and they will feel comfortable buying from you.
  13. Research keywords – find out the most relevant keywords to your area of expertise and put them to good use.

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