How to Write Your Own SEO Content and Make Your Strategy Work

by Laura on October 31, 2017

How to Write Your Own SEO Content and Make Your Strategy WorkA lot of people believe that, in order to make an online promotion strategy work, they have to write content for SEO. This means focusing strictly on the factors evaluated by the algorithms used by Google or Bing and paying no attention to the structure and appeal of the content, as seen from a viewer or reader’s perspective.

However, as it often happens, this misconception and any strategies based on it are completely misguided. As discussed on, instead of focusing on SEO content written specifically for search engines, the best marketers use content focusing on the internet users who actually use the search engines.

Why SEO-Focused Content Doesn’t Work

One of the reasons why strictly SEO-focused content doesn’t work is that Google algorithms have become so complex these days that it’s virtually impossible to account for all the variables and make sure your content is crafted accurately enough to ensure its presence on the first page.

Also, it’s worth mentioning that writing just with SEO in mind will alienate a lot of your readers and followers. Some might even go to your competitors, since they can find no real value in the content you provide for them.

What You Need to Write Your Own Successful Content

The experts at admit that, as Nick Patel confirms, one of the most significant challenges that bloggers and marketers face is that of creating content focused on satisfying SEO requirements and getting human readers interested at the same time. In order to achieve this feat, a good content writer has to:

  • Focus exclusively on the audience and on speaking to them;
  • Integrate any keywords naturally and, if it comes down to it, sacrifice accurate keyword integration to satisfy the readership;
  • Make articles as readable and easy to sift through as possible;
  • Avoid fancy words and complicated sentences that would just bore people;
  • Focus more on the quality of your content, rather than the quantity of clicks, keywords and backlinks you can get.

Although this might be a tall order for marketers who also have to handle keyword research, ad campaigns, social media-based marketing campaigns and list building, you can also reduce your workload by delegating to a professional SEO and content building service.

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