Facts About Content Marketing And How You Can Use Them To Your Advantage)

by Dan on September 4, 2014 · 1 comment

content marketing

Businesses with any meaningful involvement in content marketing have much to gain by making use certain facts and statistics of the trade. Simple pieces of information can offer a great deal of enlightenment when it comes to the efficacy of certain methods and tools.

 Following The Path Of Success

 Consider the fact that $135 billion will be spent on new digital marketing content in 2014. This, combined with the knowledge that 78% of CMO’s respond that custom content is the future of marketing, shows a huge market for effective content that stirs audiences towards action and that this trend will continue.

If we combine this knowledge with the facts that nearly 50% of companies have content marketing strategies, and that B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads, it is clear that the demand for content writing is on the rise, and that more people than ever are getting involved.

Even simple changes like the inclusion of social sharing buttons on email advertisements increase click through rates by 158%.  This shows clearly that content is an advertising vehicle for your brand or business that should not be taken lightly.

Using These Facts To Your Advantage

It is clear that Internet advertising is making up a huge segment of the active business taking place in cyberspace. In order to benefit from this growing trend, it is necessary to identify audience and begin content targeting – that is, creating content that targets a certain segment of your audience and caters to their needs.

Useful content leads to happy clients, and an appreciation of the means by which that content works its magic on them is necessary to keep them in your fold. The Internet is a place where content marketing rules and will continue to rule for a long time.

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